Thursday, April 9, 2009

Great Popcorn Recipes

These are the popcorn recipes that Marie, Gaea and Judi used for the Relief Society Dinner. They were all delicious!!!

Caramel Corn

1 C real butter
1 C white sugar
1 C brown sugar
1 C Karo Syrup

Boil till the soft ball stage then remove from heat and add 1/2 can of sweetened condensed milk and pour over large bowl of popcorn--and I do mean large.

Parmesan Popcorn

Just pop corn, drizzle butter over popcorn then sprinkle parmesan and garlic salt over popcorn to taste.

White Chocolate Popcorn

Melt 1/2 package of White Chocolate Chips in micromave about 30 seconds at a time till melted-stir in between heatings then drizzle over popped corn -medium sized bowl and mix well. Just keep stirring until it's distributed. You can have more or less chocolate depending on how thick you want it to be. It will be sticky so let it harden then break apart when ready to eat.

You can add chopped candy canes at Christmas time!